
Exhibition: ‘Archaeological excavations in Estonia 2023’

Eesti Arheoloogide Liidu rändnäitus

This touring exhibition of the Estonian Association of Archaeologists showcases important archaeological fieldwork in 2023 and is open at the University of Tartu Museum from 14 August.

Every year, 200-250 archaeological studies are conducted in Estonia. Most are small-scale rescue excavations whose significance in studies of the past is only revealed over time. For larger-scale work, the initial results can be presented soon after the studies are completed and the finds have been made presentable.

This year's exhibition focuses on 19 surveys from all over Estonia, including those of settlements, burial sites, ancient and medieval fortresses, medieval and modern-era cities and the sea. Of particular note among the finds of amateur archaeologists are bronze bowls from the village of Rahkla in the Viru region.

The exhibition will be open on the balcony of the museum's White Hall until 22 September.


Organiser: Estonian Association of Archaeologists
Authors: The archaeologists who led the studies
Content editors: Arvi Haak (Tartu City Museum) & Ulla Kadakas (Estonian History Museum)
Language editor: Hille Saluäär (Antenna Translations OÜ)
Designer: Jaana Ratas (Ratas & Ratas OÜ)


Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Arheograator OÜ
Arheoloogiakeskus NGO
Arheox OÜ
Muinasprojekt OÜ


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